Chi Phi Clubs

Chi Phi is not JUST Four Years

Being a Brother of Chi Phi Fraternity is a lifetime experience, and Alumni organizations play a central role in this. They help Alumni renew old friendships, make new ones, attend to the business of the Fraternity, and learn what is happening within Chi Phi at-large. And, as Chi Phi is world’s oldest men’s social fraternity, our Brothers are certainly no strangers to the idea of gathering frequently to reminisce, laugh, celebrate successes, and provide strength in times of hardship.

Above all, Chi Phi is a home-away-from-home, providing the bond, the companionship, and the lessons on how to participate productively in society.

Dallas Club Then & Now

1996: Texas-Dallas ‘Colony’ E-Board meeting with the Dallas Club

2024: Psi Zeta Chapter Brothers attending a Dallas/Ft. Worth Club event

Chi Phi Clubs consist of Alumni from various Chapters living in the same geographic areas. Their main focus is to bring Alumni together for social events – continuing our Brotherly connection. Chi Phi Clubs can provide:

  • Alumni new/old to the area a broader network
  • Fun social activities with Brothers
  • Philanthropic endeavors
  • Assistance to local Chapters
  • Alumni with volunteer opportunities

Staying Socially Excellent

Before all the technical and administrative business, Chi Phi Clubs start with the social element. This means hosting an event or two before even touching by-laws. Having an initial social event can range anywhere from attending a baseball game to hosting a cocktail hour at a nearby brewery.

It is also important to consider if the event will be family oriented or specific to Brothers – informing the type of event you are hosting and how to frame the invite. The Fraternity is here to assist when it comes to getting local contact information and providing a template outreach letter.

Birmingham Club

Palmetto Club

Current Clubs

Want to learn more from our very own experts? We’d be happy to put you in contact with one of the Club Chairs and recommend you explore their Facebook pages. These Brothers maintain an active and engaging Chi Phi Club in their area:

South Florida Chi Phi Club – Dave Davis, Theta Delta 1973

Boston Chi Phi Club – Sean Murphy, Lambda Theta 2008

Philadelphia Chi Phi Club – Matt Scheller, Psi 2007, Rho 2024

Palmetto Chi Phi Club – Kirk Thomas, Delta Theta 2005

Tampa Bay Chi Phi Club – David J Ebner, Delta Zeta 2008

Birmingham Chi Phi Club – Mark LaRue, Iota 1982

Chicago Windy City Club – Christian Sutton, Theta Delta 2019, Phi Delta 2019

Dallas/Fort Worth – Nicholas Medina, Lambda Zeta 2008

Want to Learn More?

Explore our new Chi Phi Club Manual – containing far more detail on the logistics and planning necessary to begin a club in your area.

Please reach out to for more information on potential clubs in your area, starting one, or want to just learn more.

Celebrating 200 Years of Building Better Men